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building relationships of trust

New Era Group has achieved the status of an Authorised Engineering Organisation as certified by Asset Standards Authority (ASA) an independent organisation of Transport for NSW.


The certification recognises a company’s ability to provide specialised engineering services in certain disciplines as assessed by ASA.

New Era Group Managing Director, Scott Darke, stated on receiving the certification that he was extremly proud of his team’s efforts to gain this certification as it was a rigorous process but beneficial and rewarding.


In that the certification enables the company to extend its capability to existing and future clients across the sectors of Rail, Infrastructure, and Transport sectors.


ASA are quoted as saying; 'We could not stress more the importance of obtaining AEO certification and the varied applications and weight it will provide to the New Era Group when tendering for rail projects'


As a leading provider of Electrical and Communication services, New Era Group specialise on understanding the strategic direction of their customers, developing agile, customised solutions second to none. Our AEO status and Quality, Safety and Environmental accreditations providing further assurances of our capabilities and competencies to bring projects to full completion.

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